Hack 433 MHz Devices with a Raspberry and a RTL-SDR Dongle.

Through a wide variety of Hack 433 MHz Devices, We Hack 433 MHz Devices with a Raspberry and a RTL-SDR Dongle.

  • Service Hack 433 MHz Devices

Hack 433 MHz Devices with a Raspberry and a RTL-SDR Dongle

Wireless things frequency is between 300MHz   to 433MHz we find a frequency with the help of RTL-SDR Dongle

In this project we hack a Doorbell 

We get frequency with RTL-SDR Dongle   on   AIRSPY SDR software

We get frequency of Doorbell  at 433.912.500  we note this frequency where Doorbell rings

Then we connect our   RTL-SDR Dongle with Raspberry 

We connect RTL-SDR Dongle with raspberry pi to Do reply attack

We do reply attack using rpitx software in raspberry pi

We get this software from github

Source https://github.com/F5OEO/rpitx

Then we installed this software with these commands

git clone https://github.com/F5OEO/rpitx

cd rpitx


What kind of functions this software can perform

Now we know the frequency of the doorbell we execute the command to record the the frequency and then we reply that frequency

We use this command   

 “ rtl_sdr -s 250000 -g 40 -f 433912500 wiredoorbell_ring.iq

rtl_sd  : which device we use

-s 250000 : sample rate

-g 40 :  gain

-f 433912500 : frequency

wiredoorbell_ring.iq : file name where records are.

recording frequency of doorbell

For reply attack we use ./sendiq command

What kind of functions this command can perform

Then for reply attack we use this command          

./sendiq -s 250000 -f 433912500 -t u8 -i wiredoorbellring.iq

-s 250000 sample rate

-f 433912500 frequency

-t u8  file formate

-i wiredoorbellring.iq recorded file

Then our doorbell rings without button just with the help of this command only